Identifying and Preventing Financial Exploitation of the Elderly
Identifying and Preventing Financial Exploitation of the Elderly

Disturbingly, financial exploitation and abuse of seniors is common. And more disturbing is the fact it often involves family members, relatives, friends, and caregivers. What can be done if you see elder abuse or exploitation happening to you or a loved one?

In this webinar, Attorney Andrew Veale from our litigation team will help you learn to spot financial exploitation, how to recognize and mitigate the risk of exploitation, estate planning steps you can take to protect yourself, and where to turn if you or a loved one are a victim of financial exploitation. What else will you learn from this webinar?

  • What are the 3 typical motivators of elder financial abuse crimes?
  • Examples of what financial exploitation looks like.
  • Green arrow
  • State laws pertaining to elder abuse and exploitation.
  • Who are designated mandated reporters and how can they help?

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