
Articles Posted in Resources for Seniors and Caregivers


Staying Connected through Melodies: Music and Dementia

Music is, quite literally, the soundtrack of our lives. Music is a vehicle for memories, emotions, and healing. It can lift our spirits, calm our souls, help us fall in love, and bring us to tears. Our favorite songs become part of our emotional DNA. Even long after decades have…


Ahoy! Charting Your Course to a Perfect Retirement Destination

There is something very appealing and kind of romantic about sailing off into the sunset to enjoy the golden years of retirement in an idyllic setting. It is, perhaps, the pinnacle of the American Dream.  However, selecting the perfect place to retire takes more than just dreaming. It’s a process…


Home Suite Home: Things to Consider Before Building an In-Law Suite

According to the Pew Research Center, the U.S. population living in multigenerational households has quadrupled since the 1970s. They also report that, in March of 2021, “there were 59.7 million U.S. residents who lived with multiple generations under one roof.” One of the most common multigenerational living scenarios is the…


Protect Yourself from Cybercrime and Identity Theft

Technology and the internet provide a lot of speed, access, and convenience to our everyday lives. Unfortunately, they are also a virtual playground for a lot of bad actors who are always finding new ways to take advantage of the unwary and unprotected. Hackers and cyber thieves can truly wreak…


Making the Right Move: Understanding the 6 Senior Living Options

By Jill Brightman Buying a home can be the most expensive and life-altering purchase we will ever make.  It is where we plant our roots, grow our families, try our hand at home improvement tasks, decorate and re-decorate again to our tastes, and mostly, it’s where we make cherished memories.…


How to Preserve Family History, One Photo at a Time

  By Jill Brightman As a child, one of my favorite past times was sorting through my family’s old, black and white photographs that had been passed down from multiple generations. I romanticized the pictures of grandfather, in his World War II military uniform, and my grandmother, his young bride. …


10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

By Esther Corcoran Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of growing older, as many people seem to think. It is a disease that impairs memory and intellectual abilities to the point where their daily life is being affected. When people notice things in their daily life changing, there are 10…

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