Public Benefits
Thankfully, you live in a time and a place where there are programs and services available to make life a little more manageable.
You may be more familiar with some of the Connecticut public benefit programs than others. But since these services and supports can have a profound and tangible impact on your life and that of your family, we urge you to acquaint yourself with what’s available.
Take a look at the help that is out there for you:
Benefits you must financially qualify for
Medicaid is a public benefit program that is especially important if you have a disability or if you have special healthcare needs. The program provides affordable coverage that ensures that you receive all medically necessary healthcare services.
Medicaid is available to you if:
- You or your family do not have access to private insurance
- You or your family cannot afford private insurance premiums or out-of-pocket costs
- You need services not covered by private insurance
If you are in a community-based setting, as opposed to an institutional one, Connecticut provides services to you through special programs called Connecticut Medicaid waivers. What’s being waived is institutional care in a nursing home, which most individuals and families would prefer to avoid. Fortunately for Connecticut residents, there are 10 different Medicaid waiver programs in Connecticut. Read more…
As with the Medicaid programs, you must qualify financially to receive SSI benefits. The program, with its monthly payments, provides assistance with the costs of food and shelter. It is designed for you if you are 65 or older, blind or disabled. Although it sounds similar, beware, SSI is NOT the same as Social Security! Read more…
Benefits you are entitled to, and not based on your finances
If you have a disability which prevents you from being gainfully employed, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). SSDI is a federally run benefits program that provides you and your family with monthly cash payments. If you have paid Social Security taxes long enough to achieve sufficient credits, you can qualify for SSDI. Read more…
Medicare can best be described as a government health insurance program that is available to you if you are 65 and older or you are under 65 and have received Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits for more than 2 years. Just like most insurance policies, you pay monthly premiums, and part of the costs through deductibles. It is not free, but it sure is more affordable than many policies. Read more…
Other benefit programs:
- Respite care
- Section 8/housing
- Veteran's Benefits
- Food stamps
- Energy subsidies